Most things in life are about timing and happen when we listen to our inner guidance and the signs around us.
In January my beautiful friend Denise Pruitt introduced me to the gift of intention through Tree of Life Movement which someone had recently introduced her. This Tree of Life Intention Stick Necklace comes with the opportunity to be blessed by the creators. Denise offered me a time in January when I first received the gift and then again in May. Each time just did not seem to be quite the right time.
I wore this necklace for 33 days in the hospital while my dad fought the good fight. The words of intention in my necklace helped provide what I needed and knew my family needed at the time. It was something that remained close to my heart all day and all night.
I woke up on my birthday this last Sunday and knew the time was right for my necklace to be blessed this week. It was important for me to meet with the creators before I head out on my healing journey along the California and Oregon Coasts towards my home in Washington State for my Dad’s Celebration of Life.
Thank you to the beautiful, kind, compassionate, genuine and loving creators of The Tree of Life Intention Stick Scott Berger and Marla Berger Addison Taylor Fine Jewelry for the beautiful blessing yesterday done with pure love and intention. Denise Thank YOU for trusting me on the timing and for being my intention stick soul sister.
May we all live with the intention of love for others. We are all walking a journey and as Scott and Marla say…we are all interconnected.💞 .– Kirsten J.