Each week we share with you the miracles of the Intention Stick and how it has impacted so many within our Tree of Life Movement family.
We are all faced with challenges throughout our lives; it is how we choose to embrace those challenges that will define the deeper meaning and success in our life. It is not what happens to you; it is what you do with it.
Say hello to Emma Clapick. This University of Arizona student might be young, but she is wise beyond her years!
Like so many people we have met and shared stories with, Emma has a very thoughtful perspective of what her Intentions mean. Her understanding of what we create for ourselves, we can create for our loved ones, is both honest and insightful. But, we must remember that it is essential that we start with ourselves, and by doing so, it charges us up to do the best we can for others.
As an Early Childhood Education Major, she has already had a tremendous amount of experience and impact working with kids. Emma is a teacher in every sense of the word. Her love for working with children was evident as we enjoyed our time talking about where she has been, where she is now, and where she is going.
What intentions did Emma place in her Intention Stick? Well, When you watch, we're sure you'll agree that "love" plus "knowledge" equals "success." Even more, we think she should add "inspire."
The importance of these beautiful stories is to let each of you know you are not alone, you are surrounded by love, you matter, you have a purpose, and you are as important as anyone else in this world. And most importantly, you are absolutely perfect just the way you are.
In a collective effort to shift and heal the world, each one of us can do our part by sharing our story. Sharing stories saves lives. Please share your story at TreeofLifeMovement.com.