A beautiful story about our friend Tish who is with Charles ( has down syndrome ) and is Tish’s best buddy from Best Buddies Arizona :)
Had lunch with my buddy Charles today from Best Buddies Arizona, the one I posted about with Chester Bennington . He is still mourning the loss of his idol but I gave him the new intention stick Tree of Life necklace from Addison Taylor and he lit up like a Christmas Tree! Scott Berger and Marla you have brought healing to his broken heart. He chose to put the word Joy/Laughter in his stick and then Tara Hitchcock called to say hi and put a huge smile on his face. He said, " wow this necklace really works!". Love it. If you don't know about this new way to bring the love, light and intentions of your dreams to reality in your life you need to find out. I wear mine all the time and it truly works!
Tish Frye thank you for sharing you beautiful and moving story, it is truly inspiring to hear. Sending you both so much light and love.
Scott and Marla