Here you will find Scott & Marla's Biography, high resolution photos, and other useful information for media sources.
Scott and Marla created the Tree of Life Intention Stick, because they believe, from their hearts, there is a bigger purpose to all of this; how this will be meaningful for our family and friends, our communities, and everyone in the world: to inspire, uplift, and help one another; to find meaning and purpose in life; to expand our hearts, our minds, and our points of view; and to focus on positive intention, for positive attention…
​We've teamed up with Gompers Arizona: an organization which helps adults with disabilities, such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Down Syndrome; and with their help, each Intention Stick is sealed with love.
Click here to download high-resolution photos of Intention Sticks
Click here to download publicity photos of Scott & Marla Berger
Cick here to download b-roll of Gompers assembling Intention Stick packages
Click here to download a png of the Tree of Life Globe
Click here to download :30 :60 and :90 Commercial